Saturday, October 29, 2011

FastPartner AB (publ) ökar sitt innehav i Allenex AB (publ) till cirka 32 % vilket föranleder budplikt

FastPartner AB (publ) ökar sitt innehav i Allenex AB (publ) till cirka 32 % vilket föranleder budplikt

FastPartner AB (publ) har i samband med företrädesemission i Allenex AB (publ) (”Bolaget”) tecknat nya aktier motsvarande sin andel i Bolaget. Därutöver har FastPartner AB (publ) tecknat ytterligare aktier i Bolaget i enlighet med garantiåtaganden.

Efter att företrädesemissionen har genomförts kommer FastPartner AB (publ):s innehav att uppgå till cirka 32 % av aktierna och rösterna i Bolaget, vilket innebär att FastPartner AB (publ) blir skyldigt att lämna ett s.k. budpliktsbud till samtliga aktieägare i Bolaget.

FastPartner AB (publ) avser att inom fyra veckor återkomma med besked om ett eventuellt budpliktsbud avseende resterande aktier i Bolaget. Då även aktieägaren Mohammed Al Amoudis innehav efter företrädesemissionen kommer att överstiga 30 % av aktierna och rösterna i Bolaget avser FastPartner AB (publ) att samråda med Mohammed Al Amoudi för att utröna möjliga handlingsalternativ. Aktieägare bör uppmärksamma att budplikten kan bortfalla om FastPartner AB (publ) inom ovan angivna fyraveckorsperiod avyttrar så många aktier att FastPartner AB (publ) efter sådan avyttring innehar mindre än 30 % av aktierna och rösterna i Bolaget.

Stockholm den 28 oktober 2011

För vidare information vänligen kontakta:
Sven-Olof Johansson, VD, FastPartner AB (publ)
Tel: 08-402 34 65

Daniel Gerlach, Ekonomichef, FastPartner AB (publ)
Tel: 08-402 34 63

Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande den 28 oktober 2011 kl 12.

Friday, October 28, 2011



2011-10-28 12:09

STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Fast Partner har i samband med företrädesemissionen i Allenex ökat sitt innehav i bolaget till cirka 32 procent.

Det innebär att Fast Partner blir skyldigt att lämna ett budpliktsbud till samtliga aktieägare i Allenex, skriver Fast Partner i ett pressmeddelande.

Fast Partner avser att återkomma med besked inom fyra veckor.

Då även aktieägaren Mohammed Al Amoudis innehav i Allenex kommer att överstiga 30 procent ska Fast Partner samråda med Mohammed Al Amoudi för att utröna möjliga handlingsalternativ, uppger Fast Partner. Fia Forsman +46 8 5191 7923 Nyhetsbyrån Direkt

Allenex: Al Amoudi ökar till 36 %, FastPartner ökar till 32 %

Allenex: Al Amoudi ökar till 36 %, FastPartner ökar till 32 %

2011-10-28 12:10

(SIX) FastPartner har, i samband med Allenex företrädesemission, ökar sitt innehav i Allenex till cirka 32 procent vilket föranleder budplikt. Samtidigt har Mohammed Al Amoudi ökat sitt innehav i Allenex till cirka 36 procent vilket också föranleder budplikt.

Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.

Mohammed Al Amoudi och FastPartner ska nu samråda för att utröna möjliga handlingsalternativ.

Inom fyra veckor ska Fastpartner och Al Amoudi återkomma med besked om ett eventuellt budpliktsbud avseende resterande aktier i Allenex.

Linus Lindqvist, tel +46 8-586 163 87 Nyhetsbyrån SIX

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Valberedning för Allenex AB inför årsstämman 2012

I enlighet med beslut vid Allenex AB (publ) årsstämma den 10 maj 2011 skall ledamöterna i valberedningen inför årsstämman 2012 utses genom att styrelsens ordförande kontaktar de tre största aktieägarna i bolaget och ber dem utse en representant vardera för att jämte styrelsens ordförande utgöra valberedning. Valberedningen utser sedan inom sig ordförande.

De tre största ägarna utgjordes, per den 30 september 2011, av Mohammed Al Amoudi, FastPartner AB (publ) och Mannersons Fastighets AB.

Valberedningen inför årsstämman 2012 kommer utgöras av följande personer:
Oscar Ahlgren, Mohammed Al Amoudi
Anders Keller, FastPartner AB (publ)
Gustaf Mannerson, Mannersons Fastighets AB
Monica Caneman, Styrelseordförande Allenex AB (publ)

Ledamöterna i valberedningen representerar tillsammans cirka 45 procent av aktierna i bolaget sett till den 30 september 2011 och före den emission som nu håller på att avslutas. Valberedningen har utsett Anders Keller till ordförande och han kommer att leda valberedningens arbete.

Valberedningen har till uppgift att arbeta fram förslag i nedanstående frågor att föreläggas årsstämman 2012 för beslut:

  • förslag till styrelsemedlemmar
  • förslag till styrelseordförande
  • förslag till styrelsearvoden till icke anställda styrelseledamöter med uppdelningen mellan ordförande och övriga ledamöter i styrelsen samt ersättning för utskottsarbete
  • förslag till revisor
  • förslag till revisorsarvode
  • förslag till ordförande på årsstämman och
  • förslag till riktlinjer för valberedningen inför årsstämman 2012

Aktieägare som önskar lämna förslag till Allenex valberedning kan göra det via e-post till: eller med brev till adressen: Allenex AB, Att: Valberedningen,
Box 122 83, 102 27 Stockholm.

Årsstämman för Allenex AB kommer att hållas torsdagen den 3 maj 2012 i Stockholm.

Allenex AB offentliggör denna information enligt lagen om värdepappersmarknaden och/eller lagen om handel med finansiella instrument. Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande den 24 oktober 2011, kl.18:00.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Anders Karlsson, VD, tel: 070-91 800 10, e-post:
Okee Williams Portfolio & IR Manager, tel: 070-600 5364,

För mer information om Allenex besök

Allenex är ett life science bolag som utvecklar, tillverkar, marknadsför och säljer högkvalitativa produkter och tjänster som möjliggör säkrare transplantationer med bättre resultat. Allenex är noterat på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm under Small Cap-bolag (ticker: ALNX).

Wikileaks: Mugabe and Grace worth over US$1b

newsGot a story? We pay $$$ |

ZimDaily #15275
Grace Mugabe with daughter Bona

Published: 11 October 2011

Saudi Star Settles Debt before Hearing

Saudi Star cultivates rice using irrigation dams and canals

Machineries and tractors bought at a cost of 80 million dollars including spare parts last year from Caterpillar parked at the plot of Saudi Star in Gambella Regional State.

A 35.2 million Br suit brought against Saudi Star Agricultural Development Plc by the Agricultural Equipment & Technical Services (AETS) for unpaid monies for service rendered has been lifted after the latter paid its debt with interest.

The AETS had filed the suit on July 20, 2011, at the Federal High Court Eight Civil Bench for that amount, after it cleared a 4,000ht plot in Alwero, 721Km from the capital in the Gambela Regional State, owned by Saudi Star.

AETS, which employs 525 people and maintains and rents heavy-duty farming and construction materials, had signed a 43.5 million Br contractual agreement on January 20, 2011 with Saudi Star.

Saudi Star, which is registered at the Ethiopian Investment Agency (EIA) in August 2009, with a 500 million Br start up capital, leased 10,000ht in the Gambella Regional State for the cultivation of rice using irrigation dams and canals. It plans to use the Alwero Dam, which was constructed by the military during the time of the Dergue, to cultivate the land that has lain idle for close to two decades, since the regime’s demise. The contract was to clear the 4,000ht plot which was covered with juniper trees of medium density and other indigenous trees.

Despite Saudi Star, formed by Mohamed Ali Al-Amoudi to grow food in Ethiopia for Saudi Arabia, admitted that it owed the money claimed by the AETS and asked for more time to pay the money, the latter had gone ahead with its suit. The court had scheduled a hearing for Wednesday, October 19, 2011, for Saudi Star to respond to the charges.

However, during the hearing, only Moges Lemma, the lawyer for the claimant appeared and told the court that it has withdrawn its suit as the defendant has paid the full amount with interest.

Both had a history before this contract in which Saudi Star had repeatedly tried to buy the agricultural equipment renter, established in 1993, from the Privatization Agency. However, its offer of 171 million Br was rejected by the Agency which deemed it too low, for the company, it was asking a minimum of 249.5 million Br.

Saudi Star imported construction machinery and 300 tractors with their spare parts at a cost of 80 million dollars last year from Caterpillar. The long term goal of the company is to develop 500,000ht with its sights on land in the Benishangul Gumuz Regional State and the Agew Awi Zone of the Amhara Regional State.


DMC’s Assets Frozen after NOC Claims Cheque Bounces

Assets of DMC Construction Plc have been frozen by the Federal High Court Ninth Civil Bench on October 11, 2011, following a 6.7 million Br suit filed by the National Oil Company (NOC). The assets frozen are bitumen asphalt mix found on road construction sites of the company in the Southern Regional State.

NOC had filed the suit in September alleging that the construction company had issued it a cheque for that amount on June 19, 2011, which the oil company claims has bounced. It had also attached the alleged cheque issued from United Bank, Lebu-Lafto branch, as evidence.

Neway Zerge, lawyer of the plaintiff, also appealed for the court to order the freeze arguing that the construction firm was trying to transfer it property to third parties to avoid liabilities.

Nuredin Keder, the presiding judge, has ordered for the assets on the project sites to be frozen until the litigation is over. The construction company, which has completed several projects across the country, has yet to be summoned for a hearing.

The company owned by Daniel Mamo and Bethlehem Abebe, is known for the completion of asphalt roads in Hawassa town, 276Km south of Addis Abeba; a project credited to have changed the face of the thriving city. DMC is currently undertaking the construction of the headquarters of the Ethiopian Maritime Services on Churchill Avenue and the Ethiopian Red Cross Society on Ras Desta Damtew Street, adjacent to the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

NOC, an Oil company established in April 2004 by Mohammed Ali Al-Amoudi (Sheikh) and his local partners, including its current CEO, Tadesse Tilahun, claimed that the construction company should also pay it interest on the amount in contention from August 31, 2011, which is when it tried to withdraw the money.


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Artisan Miners Surpass Expectation after $109.5m Gold Sale

An increase in the international market leads to an increase in the production of gold by artisans

Artisan miners have sold 2,064Kg of gold worth 109.5 million dollars to the Central Bank while companies engaged in gold production exported only 588.3Kg worth 35.4 million dollars in the first quarter of the fiscal year.

The gold purchased from artisan miners is 52pc more than the 1,357Kg the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) had planned to collect in the first quarter. This is not the first time performance of artisan miners has been more than the expectation of the Central Bank.

Although the government had planned to increase the gold purchased from artisan miners to 5,250Kg of gold at the end of the five year economic plan, it was surpassed in the first year of the plan. Artisans had sold 6,615Kg of gold to the NBE in the 2010/11 fiscal year. The Ministry of Mines (MoM) has plans to collect 13,200Kg from 1,759 artisans organized in 53 associations at the end of this fiscal year.

Aside from gold, artisans have also produced 4,607Kg of gem stones worth 1.7 million dollars, exceeding the plan for the quarter by 10pc. Artisans also produced 350g of platinum and 66.3tn of tantalum.

The increase in the production of gold from artisan miners is due to the increase in the international market and the NBE’s offer of five per cent more than the price, according to Tamrat Mojo, head of traditional mines, manufacturing & transactions department at the MoM.

This offer, that is more than the international market from the Central Bank, started two years ago to encourage artisan miners to sell to it directly instead of on the black market.

As of October 3, 2011, the NBE, Geological survey and the MoM signed an agreement to decentralize the sale of gold in the regional state to encourage artisans by minimizing the costs of transportation. The NBE has delegated the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) to conduct the purchases in its branches located in the top gold producing regions. These include Jimma, 346Km from the capital in Oromia Regional State; Hawassa, 276Km from the capital in Southern Regional State; Asosa, 675Km from Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State: and Mekelle, 780Km from the capital in Tigray Regional State.

Oromia, Tigray and Benishangul Regional States are the top three regions where gold is produced, with an output of 646.2, 557.6 and 373.9 kilograms in the first quarter, respectively.

A geological survey unit comprised of auditors and laboratory experts, who will check the weight and quality of gold as well as issue certification, have been established at each branch.

In each transaction, the branches of the banks affect 90pc of the payment within 24 hours, and the remaining will be paid within a month’s time when the artisans make requests, according to the agreement. This is done to further encourage artisans to sell to the banks, who will be paid at the international price of gold at the time of their request within the month if it is greater than what was paid for the 90pc. If, however, the price has decreased from what they were paid for an ounce, they are paid in the original price.

Although the performance from artisan miners has exceeded the targets put by the Ministry, the performance of those involved in the export of gold directly has been below target. The Ministry had targeted on exports to reach 1,225Kg this quarter but had come in under by 48pc.

MIDROC Gold Mine plc, which is one of the subsidiary companies under MIDROC Ethiopia, owned by Mohammed Al-Amoudi, is the sole gold exporter. It had acquired Legedenbi, which has a yearly average production of around 4,500Kg of gold and silver, with the average composition of 78pc for gold and 21pc for silver.

Despite the Ministry’s expectation, the gold company says it has achieved its target for the quarter.

Midroc Gold is the single largest contributor to the Ministry in terms of royalties paying 100.1 million Br in the last fiscal year out of the 104.4 million Br the 26 companies engaged in the production of different precious minerals.


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