Tuesday, November 29, 2011

tockholmsprognos: Svagt stigande kurser väntas i öppningen

2011-11-24 08:47

Indikator Börsprognosvärde

Wall Street Negativt Sv.aktier NA Neutralt USA-terminer Positivt Europaterminer Positivt Asien Neutralt

(SIX) Stockholmsbörsen väntas inleda torsdagen omkring oregelbundet till svagt stigande kurser. Volymen kommer vara tunn i avsaknaden av indikationer från USA, där Wall Street håller stängt till följd av firandet av Thanksgiving. I Asien har utvecklingen varit mixad under morgonen.

Fokus ställs på den makroekonomiska bilden i Europa där skuldkrisen fortsätter att hålla greppet om marknaderna.

På onsdagen backade Stockholmsbörsen med nedgångar som var i linje med de ledande på Europabörserna. Nyheten att den tyska obligationsemissionen inte blev fulltecknad skakade om marknaden, liksom beskedet att det kinesiska inköpschefsindexet föll tillbaka i november.

"Ännu en röd dag bakom oss vilket ger oss fyra dagar i rad av nedgångar vilket får mig att tro att marknaden kan vara tillfälligt översåld vilket skulle innebära en liten rekyl i dag. 900 i OMXS30 ser intressant ut. 890 var i går en viktig intradagsnivå så det ska bli intressant att se om köparna kan hålla ovanför den nivån", skriver IG Markets analytiker John Lönnqvist i en kommentar på torsdagsmorgonen.

Bland dagens rapporterande bolag var medicinteknikbolaget RaySearchs tredje kvartalet var en återhämtning efter ett svagt första halvår.

"Finansiellt sett hade vi ett starkt tredje kvartal och därmed återhämtade vi oss efter ett svagt första halvår. Slutet av året kommer med all säkerhet att bli mycket spännande", säger vd Johan Löf i en kommentar i delårsrapporten.

Vidare väntas Lundbergs rapport efter lunch.

Franska Societe Generale lägger till klädkedjan H&M:s aktie på sin premium lista i en dagsfärsk analys. Banken upprepar samtidigt sin köprekommendation med riktkursen 270 kronor.

Antalet Goldcup 7154, under namnändring till Xenella Holding, har offentliggjort ett kontanterbjudande till aktieägarna i Allenex att överlåta samtliga sina aktier i Allenex till Xenella. Xenella erbjuder 1,50 kronor kontant per aktie. Erbjudandet omfattar inte Allenex konvertibler. Bakom budpliktsbudet står storägarna Mohammed Al Amoudi och Fast Partner.

Veckans Affärer lämnar i sitt senaste nummer köprekommendationer för Bringwell och Drillcon. Därtill har tidningen gått igenom fyra möjliga portföljstrategier för 2012.

Tysk makrostatistik inkom innan börsöppning helt i linje med förväntningar. BNP var upp med säsongsjusterade 0,5 procent under det tredje kvartalet 2011 enligt reviderad statistik, jämfört med kvartalet innan. I årstakt var BNP upp med 2,6 procent.

Strax efter börsöppning i Stockholm inkommer från svenskt håll konjunkturbarometer samt PPI för oktober. Klockan 10 presenteras ifo-index från Tyskland. Vidare ställs fokus på BNP för Storbritannien för det tredje kvartalet klockan 10.30.

Caroline Karlander, tel +46 31 350 64 73 caroline.karlander@six-group.se Nyhetsbyrån SIX


Offer early redemption of convertible bond ("Q1")

Board of Allenex AB (publ), offers bondholder repayment of Allenex convertible ("Q1") to 100 percent of the nominal exchange rate, equivalent to 30 per convertible. Acceptance period is from 1 December to 16 December 2011.

Payment of redemption amount is expected to occur in late January 2012. Holders who accept the offer will receive the interest on the convertible for 2011 with a record date of 9 January 2012.

The background to the offer of repayment is the rights issue by the Board of Allenex decided on 20 September 2011, in accordance with the General Meeting's authorization, a portion of the proceeds would be used to provide early repayment of the convertible loan.

In accordance with the Securities Council's decision 2011:30 covered Allenex convertible ("Q1") is not of the mandatory offer by Mohammed Al Amoudi and solid partner AB (publ) through Xenella Holding AB announced on 23 November 2011.

Convertible owners are convertible ("Q1") registered on a securities account with Euroclear Sweden will shortly receive information from Allenex about redemption. Convertible owners are convertible ("Q1") in a custody account at a bank or securities firm with information on how redemption goes to from their manager.

Full offer details are available on the website Allenex, www.allenex.se, or the Western Harbour Brokerage's website, www.vhfondkommission.se.

Allenex AB (publ) discloses this information pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and / or laws governing trading in financial instruments. Submitted for publication November 28, 2011, kl.13: 00.

070-91 800 10
070-600 5364

For more information on Allenex visit www.allenex.se

Allenex is a life science company that develops, manufactures, markets and sells high quality products and services that enable safer transplants with better results. Allenex also has a portfolio of associated companies in life science. Allenex is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Small Cap (ticker: ALNX).


Allenex AB: Interim report January - September 2011

Press release published at The Swedish Wire

For the third quarter July - September

· Net sales for the quarter were SEK 26.3 million (19.1), an increase of 37.7 percent. Third quarter results include sales from Olerup GmbH, which from June 1 is a part of the group.
· Operating loss (EBIT) for the quarter was SEK 0.2 million (-8.0).
· Loss after tax was SEK 59.3 million (-8.4). The results were impacted with the write down of the value of the associated companies of SEK 56.2 million for the quarter.
· Loss per share, basic and diluted, was SEK 3.47 (-0.42).

For the January - September period

· Net sales for the period were SEK 71.2 million (60.6), an increase of17.5 percent.
· Operating loss (EBIT) for the period was SEK 12.1 million (-4.1) Non-recurring costs of about SEK 7 million impacted results for the period.
· Loss after tax for the period was SEK 432.9 million (-8.4). The results were impacted with the write down of the value of the associated companies of SEK 413.9 million, of which SEK 56.2 million was charged to the third quarter.
· Loss per share for the first nine months of the year, basic and diluted, was SEK 25.09 (-0.33).
· Equity per share was SEK 9.00 (33.54).
· Equity/assets ratio was 36 (68) percent.

Key events in the third quarter

· The Board decided September 20 to implement a guaranteed rights issue in Allenex of up to SEK 154.7 million with preferential rights for existing shareholders.
· In conjunction with the decision to implement a rights issue, Allenex presented its long-term financial objectives for the Group.
· In August, Allenex's divestment of holdings in NovaHep AB and Recopharma AB was finalized.
· In July, Olle Olerup left the position of CEO of the Allenex subsidiary Olerup SSP AB.

Key events after the period end

· A rights issue in Allenex was implemented during the September 30 - October 21 period, providing the company with a cash injection of approximately SEK 108.6 million before issue costs. In addition, Allenex's convertible (KV1) was reduced by SEK 44.1 million by offsetting against shares.
· In conjunction with the completion of the Allenex rights issue, it was announced that the two largest shareholders in Allenex, Mohammed Al Amoudi and FastPartner AB (publ), subscribed to new shares corresponding to their share of the issue and in addition subscribed to additional shares in accordance with the guarantee undertaking. As a result, their respective ownership stakes in the company are over 30 percent of the shares and votes in Allenex, reaching the limit for a mandatory bid on Allenex.
· In October, AbSorber won patent protection in the U.S. for its diagnostic cross-match test XM-ONE®.
· At the annual ASHI congress (The American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics) held in mid-October in New Orleans, Allenex presented for the first time under the new company name its extended transplantationproduct portfolio.

CEO Anders Karlsson's comments on the third quarter 2011:
"The greatly improved operating results for the third quarter are a good indication of what the company is capable of delivering. Above all, sales in North America continue to show strong growth, while steady growth also continues in Europe. We are now beginning to see that our investments in proprietary sales channels in recent years is generating returns. In mid-October, Allenex participated in the annual tissue typing congress, ASHI, in New Orleans, at which response from customers was very positive. We have rapidly built up a good reputation in the North American market and our products continue to win market share. During the quarter, we continued our work to make operations more efficient and have established a joint operating organization for our entire transplantation sector operations. Going forward, we will continue to see significantly lower costs in terms of synergies and rationalization as a result of the streamlining."

Allenex AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 13:00 (CET) on November 16, 2011.

For more information please contact:
Anders Karlsson, CEO tel: +4670-918 00 10 , email: anders.karlsson@allenex.se
Okee Williams, Portfolio & IR Manager tel: +4670-60 053 64 , email: okee.williams@allenex.se

Or visit www.allenex.se

Allenex is a life science company that develops, manufactures, markets and sells high quality products and services that facilitate safer transplants with better results. Allenex is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Small Caps, (ticker: ALNX). The Allenex-group had a total of 59 employees at the period end.
This information was distributed by Cision
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